Since Japan's earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, nonprofit and individual heros have come to the rescue pooling common resources, skills and talents in a time where Japan's resources are temporarily disabled. In times of disaster, the international community reminds me what is heroic about the human spirit.
Over a month later, there is still much that needs to be done. There have been hundreds of thousands of displaced people without homes, water or considerable comfort. Many of the people who lived close to ground zero the the Fukushima plants will not be able to return to their homes for many long months, years or decades. Displaced family pets have been left abandoned and the longer it takes to pool resources the less likely we can help.
Let's help. The Internet community is a viral community with the potential for crowd pooling of our resources. The Internet can help us reach out and make a difference. Families can make YouTube videos offering their homes to help displaced families in Japan to have a roof over their head. Others can ask for donations from Internet communities, like A Place to Call Home. You can add the widgets to websites, blogs or social media sites like Facebook. There are a lot of creative things we all do through Internet connections and it adds up when we all chip in!